Is anyone else being blocked from signing in to the puzzlemix site? I have had to find a roundabout way to get in!
Posted 6th Nov 2019 at 14:44
My mother can't get in either, but no problem on my computer.
Posted 6th Nov 2019 at 22:32 Last edited by Elisabeth 6th Nov 2019 at 22:36
Elisabeth Daily subscriber
When I enter I am told it is not a secure site. If I persist I get to 404 not found try again which is obviously not a good site and have refrained from going further. I manage to find my way in through a particular puzzle amongst the options available when I google.
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 03:30
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber
Ah, that's not good.
The server was reconfigured last night to set up secure login for my 404 site (it's an interactive puzzle book mystery) and it clearly broke puzzlemix somewhat. I will look into it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 03:31
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber
What browsers are people having trouble on? It works in Chrome and Firefox for me, so right now I can't reproduce the problem.
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 03:40
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber
I have temporarily removed the changes I had made, so Puzzlemix should work again now.
I suspect the issue is that older browsers don't support the modern secure protocol which allows the same IP address to be used for multiple secure sites, but I might be wrong. I will work on it in any case.
Sorry again!
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 03:41
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber
If you have any further problems, please let me know!
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 09:29
Elisabeth Daily subscriber
Thank you, Gareth, it is all working perfectly again now. I didn't know 404 was yours, particularly as warning signs started flashing up. Sorry if I suggested it might be a scam!:)
Posted 7th Nov 2019 at 13:53
gareth Administrator Daily subscriber
The warning sign was a browser indication that the page did not match that expected, so generally don't ignore those. :) In this case it was harmless however.
The server has now been reconfigured again, and hopefully all is working - do email me on if you can't log on or access the site at all.
Last edited by Elisabeth 6th Nov 2019 at 22:36
The server was reconfigured last night to set up secure login for my 404 site (it's an interactive puzzle book mystery) and it clearly broke puzzlemix somewhat. I will look into it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I suspect the issue is that older browsers don't support the modern secure protocol which allows the same IP address to be used for multiple secure sites, but I might be wrong. I will work on it in any case.
Sorry again!
The server has now been reconfigured again, and hopefully all is working - do email me on if you can't log on or access the site at all.
Sorry again!
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