By popular demand, the player will now pad any 4x4 grids to 5x5, adding blank rows and columns as needed. I have defaulted this ON for all users. You can go to 'edit user' and turn it off if you prefer it as it was, with 4x4 grid lines where appropriate.
If you have an existing save game for a Hanjie puzzle then the change will not apply to that saved puzzle until you complete it (otherwise the save file would not match the puzzle).
Just adding a comment here since I cannot add it elsewhere. I paid for a subscription to 5th January - which means I paid for the puzzles on 5th January. It seems a bit unfair that I cannot play any of the puzzles that I already paid for. I realise that the site is very good value but if I buy another yearly subscription I will spend even more time on it and less doing what I'm supposed to be doing!
Hi Detta, Just to clarify for anyone else reading, access to these Hanjie puzzles will never expire - Detta is referring to the separate daily puzzles subscription.
To answer the question, the daily puzzles subscription gives you access to these puzzles for one year and a day, and then once that year and a day is up you lose access if you don't renew your subscription. In other words it doesn't give you in perpetuity access to the 1,500 puzzles published during your subscription, but rather access for a year and a day.
In any case to apologise for the confusion I have extended your subscription for a week, which should give you time to play the final day's puzzles.
Gareth, puzzlemix
Posted 15th Jun 2011 at 23:05
TinkerBelle Rated puzzle: ModerateBest completion time: 4:07Time on first attempt: 41:51Used 'show wrong moves' Used 'check puzzle' when incorrect
Not as easy as I first thought :-)
Posted 31st Dec 2011 at 11:00
vcrad53 Rated puzzle: ModerateBest completion time: 9:03Time on first attempt: 11:29Used 'show wrong moves' Used 'check puzzle' when incorrect
You can however view other players' statistics and their comments in the tables above.
Post comment
A yellow/light blue highlight in the time distribution charts highlights your time, where relevant.
Rating scores out of 10.0 show the average difficulty rating chosen by users, where 1.0 is "Easy" and 10.0 is "Hard".
If a puzzle is opened more than once, including by loading from a saved position, then this is potentially a significant aid so it is listed as being completed with 'multiple sessions' for the purpose of the best time/average rating displays above.
Minor aid is defined as no more than one use of 'Check solution' when incomplete and/or no more than one use of 'Check solution' when wrong; and/or using highlighting aids (show repeated digits, show broken inequalities and show valid/invalid placements [slitherlink] only). Major aid is any and all other use of the solving aids except for 'show wrong'.
If you have an existing save game for a Hanjie puzzle then the change will not apply to that saved puzzle until you complete it (otherwise the save file would not match the puzzle).
I realise that the site is very good value but if I buy another yearly subscription I will spend even more time on it and less doing what I'm supposed to be doing!
Thanks for the fun
Just to clarify for anyone else reading, access to these Hanjie puzzles will never expire - Detta is referring to the separate daily puzzles subscription.
To answer the question, the daily puzzles subscription gives you access to these puzzles for one year and a day, and then once that year and a day is up you lose access if you don't renew your subscription. In other words it doesn't give you in perpetuity access to the 1,500 puzzles published during your subscription, but rather access for a year and a day.
In any case to apologise for the confusion I have extended your subscription for a week, which should give you time to play the final day's puzzles.
Gareth, puzzlemix
You can however view other players' statistics and their comments in the tables above.