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StateTypeTitleSize PlayedAvg timeRatingYoursYour bestComments
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 1: Scuttle away12x123258:42Tricky--5 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 1: Feeling crabby12x123235:45Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 2: Nice weather12x123243:54Mild--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 3: An apple a day12x163224:34Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 4: Time to run12x163236:23Moderate--2 comments
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 5: Rose12x163196:56Moderate--4 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 6: Feeling rich12x163175:37Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 7: Old Mac12x163144:21Moderate--3 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 2: Musical12x163206:32Moderate--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 3: Vanquishing12x203167:22Moderate--View statistics
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 8: King12x243165:28Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 4: That's right15x153144:46Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 9: Globe15x153144:47Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie hard 1: Protective power15x203169:37Tricky--3 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie easy 1: Night time16x123153:20Easy--3 comments
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie easy 2: Good to talk16x123123:20Mild--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 10: Splodge thing16x163106:27Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 11: Funny bunny16x163084:23Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 12: Strongman16x163086:26Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 13: Halloween16x163057:15Moderate--1 comment
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 14: Right now16x163118:04Moderate--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 15: Windy day20x163046:04Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 16: Bike rider20x163056:35Moderate--9 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie easy 3: Mini computer20x163076:26Moderate--3 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 17: Splash20x203097:15Moderate--1 comment
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie hard 2: Baby drink20x203098:49Moderate--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 5: Star power20x2030611:58Tricky--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 6: Feeling hoppy20x2430616:54Tricky--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 7: Fantasy figure20x2430519:21Hard--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 8: Garden gnome20x2430819:56Hard--1 comment
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 18: Guard tower20x2430612:02Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 9: Zip me up20x3230513:51Hard--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 19: Full of treasure?24x163049:40Moderate--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 20: Shadow dog24x202989:48Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 10: Defensive24x2429816:55Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie easy 4: Some handy art24x2430616:38Tricky--4 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 21: Running24x2829811:24Tricky--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 11: Winter tree24x2829725:26Fiendish--9 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 22: Fern24x2830016:38Hard--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 12: Sounds fine24x322939:03Moderate--View statistics
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 23: Note taker24x3229211:09Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 24: Colour me in24x322939:22Moderate--3 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie hard 3: Slow runner25x1029216:39Fiendish--7 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie hard 4: Noisy bird25x1529218:48Hard--1 comment
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 25: Brum brum25x1529111:32Tricky--View statistics
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UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 13: Tractor25x1529311:48Tricky--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 26: Drier25x202917:53Moderate--View statistics
UnplayedHanjieHanjie medium 27: Did you hear me?25x2429210:26Moderate--2 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 14: Tropical fruit25x3528935:04Fiendish--4 comments
UnplayedHanjieHanjie tricky 15: Irish melody25x3529020:44Hard--View statistics

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